Sunday 27 January 2013

Video New Year Eve's 2012/2013

Pada pergantian tahun 2012/2013, sekali lagi KoanK melihat langsung pertunjukan kembang api dan merekamnya. Dan kali ini KoanK menemukan tempat yang lebih baik, bahkan bisa dibilang yang terbaik untuk menonton langsung pertunjukan kembang api tersebut. Tempat itu terletak di Marina Bay Waterfront Promenade. Tetapi KoanK dan teman-teman harus menunggu ditempat tersebut sejak pukul 18.00 waktu setempat. Untuk itu, KoanK membawa ransum seperti Kraze Burger, Nasi Lemak, ToriQ, untuk minumannya kami membawa Carlsberg, Pokka Green Tea dan Hot Milk Tea by Toast Box. Kali ini KoanK dan teman-teman masih bisa pergi ke kamar mandi bila terpaksa, tetapi jangan ke kamar mandi diatas pukul 22.00 waktu setempat, karena antrinya sangat panjang.

At the turn of year 2012/2013, once again KoanK got to watch fireworks live show and recorded it. And this time KoanK found a better place, even could be said as the best place to see the fireworks. That place was located on Marina Bay Waterfront Promenade. But Koank and friends had to wait at that place since 6 p.m. local time. For that, KoanK  had  to bring a lot of rations such as Kraze Burger, Nasi Lemak, ToriQ, and took Carlsberg, Pokka Green Tea and Toast Box's Hot Milk Tea for the drinks. This time KoanK and friends can still go to the bathroom if needed, but be warned : don't go there after 10 p.m. local time, because it will be a long long queue you have ever seen just to take something off from your body :).

Ini nih antri ke kamar mandi yang paling sepi
This is the most quiet bathroom on Singapore

Video ini diambil menggunakan Canon IXUS 950IS

This video was taken using Canon IXUS 950IS

Part 01

Part 02


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